Selasa, 29 Januari 2008

Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono Interview (Part 1)

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pic914 (9 months ago)
Cibubur (7 months ago)
hm...btw what channel is this wen interview??
faradek (7 months ago)
おけSBY rakyat indonesia ada di belakangmu.!!!!!!!!!
icantspeak (7 months ago)
he got mucho mucho better english than Gus Dur hahahahaaha
putratoha (6 months ago)
pak presiden tolong hilang kan dari dunia indonesia tersayang , para separatis2,NKRI harus tetap satu. hilangkan rms dan opm
intagip (2 months ago)
Kalo perlu cari dan tembak mati saja...
Kita harus bersatu membangun Indonesia....
gelasretak (6 months ago)
bravo deh ..
rogergangstar (6 months ago)
CNBC I think..
180826 (3 months ago)
tetap NKRI,timor was los&never lost indonesia again,Ok.
siapapun yg berusaha merongrong kedaulatan indonesia,Provokator2 yg ingin mengguncang indonesia,cari& tembak mati aja...biar tau rasa.
Kami bangsa Indonesia diseluruh Dunia tetap mendukung NKRI dan tetap Bersatu dibelakangmu SBY.
Merdeka Indonesia,sejahtera indonesia,maju indonesia Adil dan merata Indonesia tanpa diskriminasi.
Berlin Germany
billisnowy (3 months ago)
Simply Amazing, the president of Indonesia speaks fluent English. I bet he will continue serving Indonesia for at least another 5 yrs.

He has the vision for Indonesia -- I think the Indonesians are lucky to have such a figure in the current situation. Good luck SBY!
wawan12 (3 months ago)
ma kasih sby
Stealthanugrah (2 months ago)
He speaks English really well because he went to school in America! He is a good president. Good luck SBY! Too bad he is limited by a vice president of a different party (Jusuf Kallah) Who should have lost and not have any position in the Indo GOvt. after all look at his last name!
jemblem2000 (2 months ago)
SBY,trus maju, kami d sluruh dunia tetep mndkung niat baik para pemimpin2 utk mnuju indonesia makmur GK PEDULI anda dr suku apa,agama apa,latar blkg anda,kita gk peduli.yg penting tujuan baik dan dilakukan dg cara2 yg baik.itu saja.
adebachtiar (2 months ago)
anda berkomentar tanpa dasar, anda tahu mukadimah dari partai demokrasi(partai sby)? yang berbunyi"Ketua Partai harus Asli Orang Jawa "?
c0quine (1 month ago)
bisa tunjukin buktinya? komentar anda juga tanpa dasar
novitaadriano (1 month ago)
Non sense....
Stealthanugrah (2 months ago)
Benar kita semua setuju dan berdoa buat Pak SBY dari agama mana-mana saja! Kristen, Hindu atau Muslim!
SinatraChild (2 months ago)
When was this Interview recorded ? And which Station is it ? Thanks for an answer
pamungkas26880 (2 months ago)
Economical growth 6% Very good tapi bagaimana dengan statistik rakyat miskin??
Job created? I Agree. tapi yang terbesar pada up stream (migas).Inflation expected is lessthan 8% I hope. Corruption combating?? only investigated, attack aja langsung pak.
Thanks Mr president for your good job ingat!! 2009 hasil kerja bapak akan menentukan.
billisnowy (2 months ago)
SBY needs to prioritise strenghtening bilateral relationship with Australia, now the opportunity is even higher for both countries to face the future together with greater trust and friendship.
billisnowy (2 months ago)
The success of Kevin Rudd is a god-sent blessing for the improvement of the two countries' relation. SBY has to use the momentum to show the Australian people that Indonesia is not a threat to Australia, so I suggest he visit Australia and attend the new PM inauguration ceremony.
cakrus (2 months ago)
the best president that we have...
Keep fighting Sby

kitridewi (1 month ago)
I agree with you. Never been satisfied with our president before until we have SBY!!
ahhbasmele (2 months ago)
one word. Brilliant.
The start of new Indonesia.
arjune07 (1 month ago)
SBY is a great leader, you got my respect
Baksosapienak (1 month ago)
hahaha, lucu xD
thisisapreviewvideo (1 month ago)
yeah yeah yeah yada yada yada. Kasi makan dulu orang kelaperan dan busung lapar sebelum ngawinin anaknya jutaan rupiah trus masi minta naik gaji di pemerintahan. corupt goverment make me sick. ni orang musti ditaro sebulan di kampung trus tinggal di kos2an sama naik angkot biar tau rasanya panas ama laper ama kecopetan (comment ini untuk semua pemerintah yang korup, inget yang mati sodara2 lu juga.)
jinraisama (1 month ago)
wow ... this guy is just copying pasting
SPAMMING with his swearing words ... LOL
FPImakanBABI (2 weeks ago)
ericisbig (6 days ago)
i like you sby you rocks
adipambudy (6 days ago)
5% economic growth and 8% inflation means that our standard of living is declining, you Moron. If the amount of money in our economy increases by 5% and yet domestic prices increase by 3% higher, it means we can buy less with what money we have, even if it looks like we have more money. add population growth to that, we get poorer, not richer. This is the stuff I learnt when I was 14 back in school. Where did he get his Doctors degree from?
freeway01ghost (6 days ago)
demo lagi aja yok ! sby pinter ngomong doang, mending harto deh! ga banyak ngomong tp ada swasembada pangan.
adipambudy (5 days ago)
rustyawan (4 days ago)
soeharto era bs aman secara nasional caused by foreign aid, dgn methode REPELITA nya ,ie IMF ngucurin dana per 5 thn, skrg negara2 'penyumbang' modal pada nagih hutang yg numpuk2 di indonesia. soeharto, keluarga ama kroni2nya yg makan millions of dollars asyik2 aja, rakyat yg hrs bayar hutang2 itu, baca dong yg banyak buku2 ttg hutang LN era soeharto
freeway01ghost (3 days ago)
indonesia baru membina hubungan dengan imf setelah lengsernya suharto, byk kebijakan imf yang merugikan negara, salah satunya menyebabkan indonesia impor sembako. utang jangka panjang pemerintah pada worldbank di era suharto berupa asset!75% dr total utang luar negri indonesia thn 98 merupakan pinjaman jangka pendek pihak2 swasta "cokin2 yg kabur ke luar negri".1968-93 indonesia & suharto was amazing, Afterwards soeharto was too old to lead the country n most of his trusted people backstab him.
huhuluihuhu (2 days ago)
those were private sector's debts, not governmental debts. and even then Suharto was A LEADER. Why? 32 tahun dia berkuasa, pembangunan berjalan. Rakyat bisa makan, swasembada pangan tercapai dan ekonomi kita jalan. Sekarang? (look above for my further comments)
rustyawan (4 days ago)
siapapun presiden indonesia hrs pusing mikirin gmna caranya bayar hutang LN via IMF ama affiliatiatednya.sementara era ORBA jelas aman secara nasional soalnya ada duit, yg notabene dr pinjaman LN.skrg pinjaman udah jatuh tempo, rakyat hrs bayar hutang2 era ORBA, yg enak ya soeharto, keluarganya, ama konco2nya..negara klo' ada duitnya entah itu dr pinjaman LN ato 'bukan' jelas aman lha yao..balokin duit yg dimakan soeharto, keluarga ama konco2nya yg billions of dollars, aman deh indonesia
freeway01ghost (3 days ago)
Assume suharto is guilty n return all the money that he stole to the government, u realy think that 100% of that money will be contributed for the indonesian people n not into the pocket of high rank government officials? Lets hope u rite, so there be another swasembada pangan, sports figures from indonesia (ie. Susy susanti, yayuk basuki, rudy hrtono, elias pical) n indo dominates asian football, more jobs created, houses for lapindo n other disasters victims, free education, etc.
huhuluihuhu (2 days ago)
All I'm gonna add to Freeway's comment is that Pak Harto kerja beneran tapi SBY GA ada hasil kerja yang nyata. This country has seen one disaster after another, thanks to the cock-ups of SBY's government! Name one solid output achieved by SBY's administration that is uniquely his achievement. and NO do not give me "Bringing corruptors to justice". We all know what a joke this trial is.
sachroel (1 day ago)
siapa pun orang nya, pasti bakal repot ngurus indonesia yg sekarang. bukan begitu?

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