Kamis, 17 Januari 2008

Tsunami in Banda Aceh

All Comments (24 total)
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Drag0nKn1ght (1 year ago)
That's Huge!

jonobyrne (9 months ago)
i feel soo bad for these people....watching there whole city get swept away..i cant imagine the feelings hey...RIP to thos who were lost

irishjay82 (9 months ago)
iv nothing to say, its, speechless, and as awful as it all is i cant help but want to look at more!!

sonneyboy (9 months ago)
god hwo terrible...

DhanishtaDevi (9 months ago)
That is so distressing watching a whole city get washed away and that poor woman having to watch it.. my heart goes out to all the survivors who will never be free of the trauma of it...

elmasdichoso (8 months ago)
no habia pasado un año de esto y tuvimos que ver lo de katrina y en nuestro pais con lo de la tormenta stan...

SuperTenok (8 months ago)
this is the city of Meulaboh.
it has 10,000 residents.
but after the tsunami washed away the city, only 40 survivors left alive.

rearwheelslider (8 months ago)
Hole lee shit. I would hate to have been dere. Sux,

jfngjn (8 months ago)
This video made me feel so bad. These people get a tsunami the day after christmas??? They can't do anything to stop it but watch everything fall apart. God was obviously mad or being an asshole =/

Amis86 (6 months ago)
This video made me too feel so FUCKING bad =/ I'm so so so sorry for people who lost their families :( My love cousin (1980) died 1 year after Tsunami in Thailand and he were just 25 years old :'( Some fucking idiot drove over him with car :(

clubdore (7 months ago)
Holly cowshit!

chrislion77 (7 months ago)
tsunami is man made!!!!!!!!! wake up!!!! people, the word tsunami has never been used before, they made the super wave, and named it.

adenass (7 months ago)
how?can you?

chrislion77 (7 months ago)
type on man made tsunami, and you'll see

HardcoreHorrorChick (7 months ago)
The actual name TSUNAMI is Japanese meaning
"harbour wave" and these waves are as old as the Earth.

step086 (1 month ago)
u have a brain to use not to sit on.. ree

juanandally (7 months ago)
:( im so sorry for u guys!

VietnameseGirl (6 months ago)
Tsunamis, man made ? Come on !
If u all did the research that tsunami was caused by an underwater earthquake, resulting a HUGE wave that hit more than a 3500Km radius. Well, I think so...

ancel96 (4 months ago)
How can tsunami be man made ? u take water splash spalsh ah ? use ur brain !

ReactiveDoze (3 months ago)
very moving video. I created a song called tiny troopers that pays homage to the people affected by this disater. Please have a listen on Myspace music under Reactive Doze. There are two versions of the song. tiny troopers zero will have a video to accompany it.

youtoobyoutoob (2 months ago)
:-(( :-(( :-(( :-(( :-(( :-(( These are great people, it is so sad. One way to help is have your vacation there, they will be happy to have more customers so they will have work. I am going to spend some time there on my vacation.

saykojigor (2 months ago)
the sad thing is..
the girl who cried just had her father drove away in a car a couple minute before.
they have it in the video. i guess metro tv didnt want to show it.
thats why she cried, 'dad was in the car!'
her mom was calming her down.

Machenoge (7 hours ago)
Hi, you get it wrong here,
I know everybody on the video as they are my relatives. The lady who cried was, my uncle's sister in law (Sy.Abidah). She was crying for her husband (the late Said Husaini) who just drove the car to the city to check the situation after the quake. My cousin who taped this video didn't catch the picture of him when he drove the car. Her mom was not there, but the lady who kept saying "Umi..please forgive me" was her sister (her daughter taped this video)

Rahardian007 (1 month ago)
hey chrislion77.. you are fuckin Idiot.. what makes you thing that Tsunami is made by man? think before you talk!! bloody idiot!! did somebody hit your head pretty hard that left a damage in your brain recently?
use your brain dude!!

chronocross81 (3 weeks ago)
dear chrislion77, u fuckin moron!!...how the hell did u get the idea from that tsunami is made by man!?


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