Kamis, 17 Januari 2008

Banda Aceh: Tsunami Part 1

All Comments (56 total)
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85elle85 (9 months ago)
Acehnese1968 (9 months ago)
Zikirnya menggugah, seandainya saya bisa membantu mereka lebih banyak. Salam untuk mereka di Malaysia yang terlibat dalam pembuatan lagu dan klip ini
muntazirah (9 months ago)

85elle85, u said..WOW?
thanks for the comments.
Takdir Allah menjadikan kejadian ini di siang hari, di bawah terang mentari supaya kita dapat mengambil iktibar dariNya..This video clip was produced by Rufaqa Malaysia & Rufaqa Indonesia.

Maritoyricky (7 months ago)
God bless those people...Dios bendiga esta pobre gente...
NOIslam08 (7 months ago)
Youre not forgotten
vhanSot19 (6 months ago)
this sould not happend again for all of us! help us g0d!!!!
Jay14319 (6 months ago)
Actually Tsunami hav done a good job too . Because it wipes off the devils

rizferd (6 months ago)
so sad...this is warning for us

IxBrawlerxI (6 months ago)
and tha building there in at tha top floor could calaps any second.

fanbul (5 months ago)
indonesia dont cry, you're strong !

zinizucu (5 months ago)
god bless all of them

waynehyl (5 months ago)
Why Allah didn't help them? they pray 5 times a day everyday!!! They are all Muslim!!!

zagurs (4 months ago)
coz Allah did to they who do a "maksiat"

javanan123 (4 months ago)
because no god helped jews in 1940.

kodoksexi (1 month ago)
sebagai bahan untuk mengkaca diri. bahwasanya mereka tidak mensyukuri nikmat dari Tuhanny..

thats not a quetion.. it was a test from God.. We can't explain it why.. you guys just have to think about it. what have we done before?? we didn't do ALL His commands with heart..
just think why

muntazirah (5 months ago)
waynehyl, do listen to the song in the video..there's a lot that we, the weak human don't understand..
the tsunami victims died as matyrs and went straight to heaven,
ulamas told us = according to hadith

SuperTenok (5 months ago)
Allah Maha Kuasa. Dia mampu melakukan apa sahaja yang Dia mahu.

abdullahyav (5 months ago)
ALLAH müslüman kardeşlerimize sabır versin.

maloloa (4 months ago)
kekuatn sang maha pencipta,dapat mengalahkan segala-galanya yg dibuat oleh manusia di muka bumi ini

SuperTenok (4 months ago)
tylermannison..mind ur words.
did ur mother told u to behave urself?

realevo7 (4 months ago)
maha suci Allah, bila Dia turunkan bala baik yang beriman atau tidak sama2 menanggung akibatnya. Kami bertaubat Ya Allah kami insaf kami tidak akan melakukan maksiat lagi. Cukuplah ini sebagai pengajaran untuk kami. Engkau masukkanlah mereka yang mati ini ke dalam syurga rahmatMU, matikanlah mereka sebagai org yg mati syahid... Kami insaf Ya Allah Kami Bertaubat Ya Allah!!! Ampunkan dosa kami!!!

shebubakar1 (4 months ago)
lagu background sebaiknya dihilangkan, karena mengurangi nilai documentasinya.

Ataden (4 months ago)
It started out as a normal morning gathering of friends and family and, next thing you know this happens at about 8-9 am... Thanks for posting your vid.

KilIndo000 (4 months ago)
GOOD RIDDANCE! Third World Indonesian Muslim Scum!

kodoksexi (1 month ago)
fuck you!!! i don't hate australians but you asshole!! go to hell!

Makrateli (4 months ago)
I was in Jakarta at time, celebrating Catholic Christmas with my friends so we were partying for 3 days, having everything bought before and without tv or cellphones... And the first thing i saw at home was exactly this tape.

7612426 (3 months ago)
Inside this video , people keep praying to god asking god to forgive ... is very sad moment.

muntazirah (3 months ago)
Indeed, humbleness

keshali (3 months ago)
I think people should stop questioning the works of god. We as humans should recognise and spot a disaster and help in any way we can. Even if not help, give a little respect to those who lost.

ReactiveDoze (3 months ago)
very moving video. I created a song called tiny troopers that pays homage to the people affected by this disater. Please have a listen on Myspace music under Reactive Doze. There are two versions of the song. tiny troopers zero will have a video to accompany it.

thecool14 (3 months ago)
do not live near tsunami because cause pole shifts.

praneethsrinivas (2 months ago)
thankyou 4 showin this video....

comp89 (2 months ago)

harisubagya (1 month ago)
Start love each others. We are the citicen of one big world. No more war! No more war! please....please... please......Peace...

weirdopuppets (1 month ago)
subhanallah..this call tested by ALLAH..

donnaleahy (1 month ago)
cobaan ini amat lah berat buat kita semua, sakit yg mereka rasa kita semua merasakan nya...Ya allah, jangan lg kau datang kan cobaan yg berat di bumi kami, ampunilah dosa2 kami ya Allah...amin3 ya robal alamin

jangeum1226 (1 month ago)
the tsunami is very powerful,but,has anybody dead in the video?

Machenoge (1 week ago)
Hi,I saw this clip many times when I was in Indonesia. Because it was taped by my cousin and the people in that video were my relatives (uncles, aunties n cousins). They were getting ready for my sister's wedding party (the groom lost in the tsunami). Sadly, they never reached my house (I was there and was hit by the tsunami too, miraculously, me and my 2 babies survived the wave) but my uncle (who stood by the gate in police uniform) was washed away.

daejangeum (1 week ago)
so poor,i hope u can strong to face this pr

Machenoge (1 week ago)
Thank you for your support...
My family is still trying to rebuild the house. Hopefully, this year they don't have to live in the renting house anymore.

daejangeum (1 week ago)
you and u family will sucessful,u are so brave

barkXbark (1 day ago)
i'm srry for your loss my your unlce and the rest of your family that was killed by the tsunami rest in peace.. :(

muntazirah (1 month ago)
jangeum, that is sth that i want to know also

daejangeum (1 week ago)
muntazirah,where u get this tsunami video?

v4nd4lz (1 month ago)
Allah hu Akhbar. Inilah Ujian kita di dunia..

radmac7 (1 month ago)
God Bless all the ppl affected by this tragedy and may the souls of dead rest in peace. and help the living

kutelalameyn (4 weeks ago)
Allahu akhbar.

chronocross81 (3 weeks ago)
musibah ini mrupakan peringatan yang mengandung hikmah bagi seluruh umat manusia bahwa kebencian sesama umat manusia haruslah dijauhi, marilah kita saling menghormati satu sama yg lain dgn tidak memandang perbedaan, membantu umat yang membutuhkan pertolongan sehingga dapat membentuk suatu ikatan keluarga yang harmonis, bukan membentuk sebuah hubungan yang saling bermusuhan dan saling menyakiti satu sama yang lain...amin ya robal alamin

arthasabrakadabra (3 weeks ago)
Sebuah kebesaran allah swt yang mampu mendatangkan segala sesuatu dengan cepat dan mudahnya,sesungguhnya kita amat lemah dan kecil dihadapannya...
Semoga hal ini tidak terjadi lagi dimana pun...
Amin ya Rabbal Allamin...
semoga hal ini tidak terjadi lagi dimana

rizkyadika (3 weeks ago)
Tanda-tanda kiamat, tahun 2007 tujuh ini pun sudah banyak orang baik hati yang maningggal (Asmuni, Taufik Safalas, Basuki, Pembalap Rally Inggris Colin McRae). Saat ini marilah kita renungkan kesalahan kita, dan bersiaplah menghadapi cobaan tahun 2008 esok.

alperenLeiden (3 weeks ago)
Allah im sen herseye kadirsin ya Rabbi bizi bagisla ettiklerimizden azginliklarimizdan bizi bagisla ya Rabbi. Sanki kiyameti yasattigin bu insanlarida bagisla ya Rabbi Senden geldik sana

SoundtrackBand (2 weeks ago)
I cant believe I havent seen this footage before. it is the scariest yet. The people on that top floor are very lucky, and should thank their builder for the rest of his days.

alan55rickman (2 weeks ago)
May the victims rest in Peace.

daejangeum (2 weeks ago)
the wave is so powerful,i also feel the sadness

muntazirah (1 week ago)
Soundtrack, thank God, who invented the materials for the roof, also gave the strengh and good engineering to the brains of the builder, I think that so :)

ummihimidifa (4 days ago)
Meremang kulit saya menontonnya. Alhamdulillah, yang menonton semuanya selamat, karena di lantai atas. Tapi bagaimana perasaan disaat melihat kenyataan dihadapan seperti itu, Ya Rabbi, lindungilah kami dari bencana bencana yang selalu silih berganti

rickykartika (4 days ago)
maaf bukan mensyukuri tapi mari kita ambil pelajaran dari peristiwa ini, kenapa aceh yang di pilih, bukankah dia daerah yang di istimewakan oleh indonesia, mungkinkah indonesia salah mengistimewakan suatu daerah yang membuat tuhan murka....hanya kejernihan pikiran dan hati anda yang bisa menjawabnya!!!!!

Machenoge (1 day ago)
Thanks for your condolences. The rest of my family who were on the top floor were survived but I lost 50 relatives from my mother side (including my cousins n her family who were trapped in the car, she was my closest friend) n 90% of them from my father side.

daejangeum (1 day ago)
are u saying with me?where u live?is it very close from sea?where the water reach?the second fllor?or high as third floor ?

Machenoge (17 hours ago)
What do you mean by:"are u saying with me?"
Anyway, I live in Scotland but a day before tsunami I arrived in B.Aceh for my sister's wedd.party. My 2 babies n I stayed @ my family's house in Lamteumen Barat (quite far from the beach but the water reached the roof of the house). While my uncles stayed with his wife's sister in Peukan Bada (as shown on the video). The water reached the first floor (quite high from the basement).

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