Jumat, 25 Januari 2008

Rasa sayange, halaman 11-13

vmeong29 (3 months ago)
Malaysia Adalah MALING!!
andriwitjaksono (3 months ago)
Hey wanna have some more Indonesian Stuff for free?
We'll SEND YOU A BOMB 3x bigger than the one you gave to our Bali and We will detonate it under your petronas tower!
malayneum (3 months ago)
LOL. why the hate? jealousy? LOL
prexway (3 months ago)
semoga lagu rasa sayange bisa memberi rasa sayang di seluruh dunia...
LANZ2571 (3 months ago)
kepala butuhlah lu, rakyat lu merempat kat negara aku, ada yang jual nonokpun ada, ingat2 sikit, bodoh pasal lagupun nak bergaduh.
winterinoz (3 months ago)
We helped them once, but now they have helped us more. In turns, we may help them again.

I am proud to be indonesian, but i am also proud to our brothers and sisters in Malaysia to what have they achieved. Hatred will only consume us.

Good Bless Malaysia, God Bless Indonesia
anusha7462 (3 months ago)
frankly speaking...the majority of malaysians care less abt. where this song originated...well microsoft came from USA. Most malaysian use japanese cars. so what's the big deal abt.a song that came to the malaysian shores some 500 years ago
cybermate (3 months ago)
Malaysia boleh!!!
Donz5885 (3 months ago)
Malaysian moral is higher than Singaporean. Last time I'm visiting Singapore. I unaccidently bump into an Singaporean. Say sorry? No!! He punch my stomach very hard just before I say sorry and Singaporean just watch and do nothing. So that's why many tourist say Singapore Moral value had vanish!!!
ziffitrah (3 months ago)
agak agak la mat indon... dah la merempat kt negara aku...

PanahWaaier (3 months ago)
You can fight over a Moluccan song as long as you want to but don't forget Human rights for Acheh, Papua and Maluku!!!
Jangan semua omong terlalu banyak e! Ingat HAM-internasional dari bangsa Acheh, Papua dan Maluku dolo!

Marilah bangsa Acheh, Papua dan Maluku, katong maju sama2 sampai merdeka juae!
Kalau Indonesia demokrtis betul, katong boleh pakai katong pun bendera!

Free Acheh!
Free Papua!
Free Maluku!
chivazregale (3 months ago)
As an Indonesian, I feel PROUD to see the comments spouted by fellow Indonesians. All they say is "ganyang Malaysia, negara pencuri, etc" and it clearly shows our FIRST class mentality. Malayneum, I truly apologize for these VERY-logical comments made by Indonesian. These people DO represent the most Indonesian people. And this is how Indonesian fighting for their country in a civilized manner.

End of words "F*CK"
icantspeak (3 months ago)
it does not suprised me at all as an australian which lives in indo for 10 years, that indonesian people will be this angry,and savages for a mere simple problem, while it is true that this song originated from indonesia, however, they should handle this with cool head. being furious and blindly swears everywhere do nothing but damaging indonesian's image, as a polite and civilized nation.
saidbgt (3 months ago)
DoDoL aH MalaYsa,,,,

stUpid CounTry....
StUpId PeOplE....
StUpID GoVermenT...
setanmilis (3 months ago)
wah koq jadi panas gini ya?
yang penting sesama muslim tetap damai dan bersatu jangan mau di adu domba sama zionis Yahudi!!!
mumpung idul fitri, mari kita bermaaf2an
kornet8 (3 months ago)
nak tanya menteri indonesia tu buta sejarah ke??? kita ni umat islam tak seharusnya bergaduh macam yahudi..publisiti murahan tul...maaf zahir batin
diane1556xj (3 months ago)
minal aidin walfaidzin...mohon maaf lahir dan batin..
malayneum (3 months ago)
of coz it was originally from Maluku! so? did that mean the Maluccas have lost their song? of coz NO! should we blame our Malucca forefathers who came to Malaysia and settle down here since HUNDREDS OF YEARS ago? of coz NO! so lets just deal with it. we are just SHARING the same songs and the same traditions. peace to all.
acidspeed (3 months ago)
As an Indonesian, I feel ashamed to see the comments spouted by fellow Indonesians. All they can say is "ganyang Malaysia, negara pencuri, etc" and it clearly shows our third class mentality. malayneum, I truly apologize for these non-logical comments made by Indonesian. These people do not represent the whole Indonesian people. We still have a lot of educated people who could behave in a civilized manner.
icantspeak (3 months ago)
exactly i agree with acidspeed, all of this rasa sayange drama can actually be solved peacefully, really

mpugandring (3 months ago)
The issue is getting hot and people defenced for their nation. That's absolutely good in a sense of nationality. However it spread to other issue which not really connected. We need to limit this issue to government as this is become a national debate. I am sure this video will also help Malaysia government to admit its originality that this is an Indonesia song which come from Maluku (one of Indonesia island). Please take a look to a video titled "Rasa sayang sayange dalam film Belanda"
andyrakhmadi (3 months ago)
Indonesia Jajahan Holland,Malaysia Jajahan England,Final Euro Cup 2008:HOLLAND vs ENGLAND..Siapa yang menang,bolehlah pakai tu lagu :)PEACE lah,Salam sejahtera dari Muslim Indonesia untuk Muslim2 Malaysia,kita berdua tuh bodoh aja mau diadu domba oleh YAHUDI yang jelas2 sifatnya memang "mengadu domba", sesama Muslim seharusnya kita BERSATU.I Agree with MU = MOSLEM UNITED, between Indonesia & Malaysia, Right?Wassalamu'alaikum tuan2, pak cik & puan2, Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1428H:)
shynstarz (3 months ago)
hey...kita2 pada serumpun...
jangan la ada terjadi adu domba seperti ini...
tolong ya bagi yang g' bertanggungjawab,..
oia satu lagi, saya mengenal malaysia dengan baik...jangan sampai cuma kerna ini kita jadi marah2an seperti sekarang...
lagu ini,...milik maluku indonesia...
jadi jangan sampai kerna ada yang g' bertanggungjawab gini aja kita jadi g' baikan...
ok ya...
mohon maaf lahir dan batin...
berhubung juga bulan ramadhan,...
perbaiklah ukhuwah diantara kita...
andyrakhmadi (3 months ago)
Agree to Shynstarz : PEACE for MU (Moslem United) between Indonesia & Malaysia, Ukhuwah Islamiyah harus tetap dijaga... :)
begini aja, Indonesia khan jajahan Belanda, sementara Malysia juga jajahan Inggris...so, doakan aja Final Euro 2008 : Belanda vs Inggris, siapa yg menang, boleh pakai tu lagu...
chandrakirana1 (3 months ago)
Then why your government want to arrest Namewee for relesed his great song "NEGARAKUKU"? NEgaraku you copied from mamula moon and terang boelan, right?
malayneum (3 months ago)
The reason why the government are going to arrest him coz he was threatening the national security. It was also due to strong public pressure. majority of Malaysians were offended by his lacking of sensitivity. Hell, even the Americans would be offended if someone mock their 9/11 victims. We dont want to have any bloody massacre like what we always hear happening in INDONESIA.
malayneum (3 months ago)
Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences and responsibility. Negaraku had a long history and i dont think its practical to discuss about it here. it was RESPECTED by all as the national anthem. even the Americans 'The Star Spangled Banner' was originally a British drinking song but they never make a fuss, dont they?
faizal8111 (3 months ago)
maybe the Portuguse heard this song from the Maluku Island (Maluku was alos colonised by the Portuguesein 15th century)and introduced it to the local Malay in Malacca...this is a debatable issue , and i will not say more unless have the actual sources of it..
faizal8111 (3 months ago)
come on Indonesian, we're heading towards a new era...please try to behave like a civilised nation...I know Malaysia is not really a civilised nation, but our community are trying to be one..we dont want to be like india or pakiston...they just keep on fighting just for a pice of bread..that is stupid...bout the rasa sayang song...what I know about that song is that it was brought by the Portuguese traders who invaded Malacca in the 15th century...
faizal8111 (3 months ago)
And dont you dare to think that only Malaysian treated your TKI badly, as our locals here had also been a victim of your uncivilised TKI, e.g. they murdered, robbed (my house was ever robbed by Indnesian's TKI in 1999), raped (I remember in 2004 a 6 years old girl was brutally murdered and raped by 4 TKIs but we didnt burn your flag when it happened just like what you did to us), kidnapped, theft and etc..

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