Kamis, 17 Januari 2008

Indonesia menangis

All Comments (102 total)
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xXxBoAxXx (1 year ago)
i love this song...it makes me think..

xXxBoAxXx (1 year ago)
anjingsiagoblok (1 year ago)
so this is tsunami in aceh huh...
so sad....y'all must listen this song...this is so sad song who make people think...and think...

=/ ....hiks..hiks...SON OF BICTH!!

nophitha (1 year ago)
so sad !!!

moneylaunderer (1 year ago)
yeahhhh but God is still angry to Indo, now earthquake in Java hahaha...

biB (1 year ago)
not angry my fren...it's a test...saba je...ade hikmah.

siti333 (1 year ago)
eya sih..ada hikmahnya kok..emang sedih!

goebrak (1 year ago)
yach.... kita yg ada di luar indo jg ttp doa buat indo koq =3
yg jelas sherina gedenya imut bo'........

Alwania (1 year ago)
sedih banget gua, jadi ingat ama ponakan yang hilang di Aceh.

songjing (1 year ago)
That the punishment from god to Indonesia.

Don't forget what happen at Indonesia done to Chinese lady on 13-18 May 1998. More than 168 Chinese woman and girls are gang raped and tortured during Indonesia anit-chinese riot.

fragileA160 (1 year ago)
thats not punishment, stupido. maybe you need to read books.

songjing (1 year ago)
That is punishment from god. You need to read bible and face the true history.

ave666satani (11 months ago)
i have read bible with his errors...have you seen video from DR. William Cambell and DR. Zakir Naik? DR. William Fool Cambell is a bible expert,...but there he couldnt answer all questions about bible and jesus christ! what the true story yoou mean?

diakonda (7 months ago)
What a bunch of lies!! You just think you know. Those who called themselves victims never appear in any trial to testify in any part of the world!! This is the biggest lie! They just want to throw Suharto regime, and they did it!!

lowchiawei (7 months ago)
Ok, maybe I'm bit off the fence...but anyway this is no lie...definitely...there are tenths of videos on the day of riot itself...shops being burnt, innocents were being hit and many more. Definitely for the sake of politics, those cases were properly covered...hence if there were any who would appear to testify had been horrified or threatened...so they rather kept quiet...

eunicetjahjadi (4 months ago)
they have pictures and videos of actual events happening. An indonesian man holding two heads from 2 chinese-indonesian men. houses burned to the ground. trial?! what trial? these victims dare stand against and in front of the indonesian government? the government who keeps a deep hatred and racist mentality towards chinese? i dont think so. the government would have never given them a trial anyway buddy.

p0t4t0ch1p5 (6 days ago)
it's always like this, tragic events deeply covered to avoid anarchy and more "troublesome" things for the government.. We don't know which is true or fake anymore nowadays.

pinkychuu (1 year ago)
sdihh,, sdihh.. walaupun saya udah pndah k canada, ttep sdihh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cirinde18 (1 year ago)
i'm agree with songjing
but still i don't like that some innocent people that had nothing too do with Indonesia anit-chinese riot
that also died from the tsunami
also tourists as well

yudokobe8 (1 year ago)
kita yang diluar indo,
masih sayang ma indo
kita bakal slalu doain indo..

btw,sherina imut juga :P

SmileLover (1 year ago)
great voice... ^^

 JohnRiemannSoong (1 year ago)
A wakeup call for other things, certainly divine allowance, but it's not necessariy in punishment for the riots (which only involved a minority of individuals).
 You should know better than to expect eye for an eye.

tutce2006 (1 year ago)

kontolan (1 year ago)
aceh is the best ever!! we can;t believe that tsunami could happenned in aceh.. it just unbelieveable! but im pretty sure it ada hikmahnya buat kita yg masih idup and masih senang.. it's only one thing we gotta understand in life.. life is going to the end sooner or later, dont expect anything, except berdoa kepadaNya! :)

kurniantoso (7 months ago)
ngomong lo bagus, tapi display name nya ko' ngga bagus? jadi kaya contradicted nihh....

yusufsusanto (1 year ago)
I'm now in Australia mate.. I'm Indonesian. Not only Indonesia but also the other countries wil be experiencing the same things. Don't be surprised because there will be terrible times in the last days just before He comes down for the second time to save His people.. believe in Him, He is coming soon...

meutia (1 year ago)
this song is really sad but u have to really think what is it about ..

betutu (1 year ago)
GOD will never give us any punishment!cos HE is FULL OF LOVE...NO HATE FEELING AT ALL FROM HIM!if we want a better life...start take a look at our self!

kokoronotomohaha2 (11 months ago)
layaknya ayah yang ingin menajar anaknya, ia mendisiplinkan kita ketika kita berjalan kearah yang salah. justru dengan hukuman, ia menunjukkan kita jalan yang benar

val3ntinus (10 months ago)
Go Indonesia!! I love you!

Acehnese1968 (9 months ago)
Thanks arthesmisme. I miss Aceh so much..

erusandewa (9 months ago)
ya Allah bila melihat tanah kelahiran ku begini,teriris hati ku,ampuni kami ya Rabh

derrtydawg (9 months ago)
indonesia.. my country, my pride. bangkitlah indonesia raya!!
ABCDlovEr (8 months ago)
waaa,laguny sedih abisss...

tp kl di hayati (halah) ni lagu punya makna dalem lhoo

sip da..

thanks udh upload ni video bro

polisii (8 months ago)
this is a true thing that happens! its not a chain letter! its kinda scary at first but it really works!! paste this message into 3 comments and press ALT F4 and your crushes name will appear on the screen!!! its soo wierd!

erictjie (8 months ago)
Dosa negeri ini terlalu banyak-
Rakyatnya munafik, perampok dan tukang perkosa
pemerintahnya biadab tdk bisa membedakan apa yg benar atau salah.
bagaimana tuhan tdk marah.

silitgedi (8 months ago)
silit gedi mau menyapa,,aceh tsunami karena banyak dosa titik,,,! entar lagi jakarta diguyur tsunami insya allah,,

gakjelasboy (8 months ago)
sedih amat ya nih lagu...mari kita sama2 berdoa buat negeri kita...

erictjie (8 months ago)
go to hell indonesia, negara bejad!

Dquyuz (3 days ago)
smua negera hal2 bejadnya pasti ada...
it's not that it is a good thing..
but things like that are just everywhere..
yakin 100 persen ga ada?

banspoor99 (8 months ago)
Marilah kita tidak enylahkan satu sama lain. Yang terjadi sudahlah terjadi. Mari kita berusaha bersatu untuk membangkitkan negara kita tercinta Indonesia. We born here, and we will die here.

erictjie (8 months ago)
kejadian riot terhadap kaum keturunan sudah terjadi berulang kali.
apakah kaum keturunan harus menanggung amarah, berahi para kaum musliman yg bejat itu? dimana justice untuk kita semua? itu tdk bisa dilupakan, hanya justice yg bisa reconcile this bloody nation. kalau justice tdk di tegakan forget it this nation is doomed. but it looks like going worst and worst. good bye biadab country.

Dquyuz (3 days ago)
what some people do cant make you generalize that ALL indonesian nations are also like that you know. what a close-minded thoughts..
every nations grows
every nantion learns
no nation's perfect...

well, IS yours 100% perfect??
I dont think so
leekongchianscholar (8 months ago)
dulunya gw gak bangga jadi org indonesia...but now...



erictjie (8 months ago)
I don't understand you.
dulunya gua bangga as indonesian tapi sekarang malu jadi org indonesia.
go to hell indonesia.
sarang terrorist, corruption 2nd last after nigeria, rapist, looters.
What do you proud of?
Indonesia is not respectable di mata international. it is a BEGGAR country. cuma busa minta donation for corruption

banspoor99 (8 months ago)
Jadi lu sekarang udah ngga di indonesia lagi kan?? Good... we dont need a person like you... Lu pasti bukan orang indo asli?? keturunan kan?? ya udah lu pulang aja kenegara lu sendiri...

Bye asshole...

erictjie (8 months ago)
bans- you are pathetic loser . I don't need your goddamn country. I live better n richer in my new home. I don't give a damn about your country crying for donation after tsunami.
anyway what is good about your country?
your country is similar like Nigeria.
you muslims are fuckers.

Dquyuz (3 days ago)
teroris, korupsi, rapist, looters, itu masalah 2 yg common di smua negara, apalagi yg masih berkembang.

mau kamu kaya negara2 maju dimana gak akan ada lagi konteks "rapist" karna disana sex bebas dan normal dimana masyarakat??

mau kaya amrik yg katanya memerangi teroris padahal ngobrak-abrik timur tengah karna alasan ekonomi doang??

ya udah, apa dong yg kmu banggakan klo bgitu?

joshua87octavianus (2 weeks ago)
woi..ga usah nuduh warga keturunan segala.damn it..g warga keturunan bangga2 ajat tuh ama indo...lo kali warga pribumi kaga sayang ama negara lo sendiri..lol

Dquyuz (3 days ago)
There is truth in what you said.
And because truth can be change, why dont you just try to give even a bit of an effort to change it? If all Indonesian ppl are like you, losing your own proudness of being a nation, where will fate bring us?

dreamseller99jan99 (7 months ago)
I do not understand it...did you read your comment before you post it? So unreasonable.

lia1391girl (8 months ago)
erictjie nga tau malu.udah numpang lahir di indo,tapi masih menghina indo.attention semua orang indo,klo liat erictjie ,tendang ke laut aja

erictjie (8 months ago)
Lia1391- I don't choose to be born there. If God let me choose I would rather be born in Africa and Iam not numpang there, my parents paid tax, hospital fees and we own nothing there. Infact when my parents wanted to pay proper tax , the taxman was upset. Siapa yg tdk tahu malu?

dreamseller99jan99 (7 months ago)
Eric, I do understand your feeling, but if you believe in GOD, you know that HE has a reason why you should be born at Indonesia. HE loves you man...Let the anger go....

lia1391girl (8 months ago)
nga punya pri-kemanusiaan, klo indo susah lu hina,tp suatu saat indo bangkit,I bet if u dare 2 looked down at indo.

erictjie (8 months ago)
Lia- do you remember May riots? You tell me siapa yg tdk punya keprimanusiaan. alot of innocent chinese girls are raped and killed.

GrEEnsHaRx (8 months ago)
biarkanlah orang2 yg tdk berprikemanusiaan itu menjadi masa lalu.. tapi jangan biarkan hal ini terjadi lagi.. tidak boleh ada diskriminasi lagi .. bangun negara indonesia bersama-sama dengan damai .. jaman skarang ga perlu ada peperangan antar 'RACES' !! ga penting !!

erictjie (8 months ago)
Gr- I respect your thinking , hope all the people regarding difference races live fairly and peacefully in this nation.

tompok67 (7 months ago)
setiap kejadian ada rahmat disebalik nya.Semua ini adalah ujian dari yang Maha Esa. setiap yang hidup pasti akan kembali suatu hari nanti untuk menemui tuhan nya. Innalillah hiwainnailai hirojiun....amin

leekongchianscholar (7 months ago)
guys2...this is not the way to settle things down...dengan kayak gini, lo pada makin memecah belah n merusak nama n citra Indonesia aja....setelah kita lihat keadaan seperti ini di Aceh, kita mestinya jadi lebih bersatu n berapi2 untuk ngebangkitin negara kita..bukan untuk jatohin negara kita...mungkin kadang indonesia memang suka ngecewain kita..but guys, at the end of the day, we are indonesians..and we should be proud of being one...

leekongchianscholar (7 months ago)
gw yakin kalo seluruh rakyat indonesia mau bersatu n bangkit untuk menuju kemakmuran...kita pasti bisa!! culture kita sudah kuat...culture of gotong royong...gak ada negara laen yg bisa kalahin kita dalam hal itu...kita harus pake culture ini untuk membangkitkan Indonesia!!

arthemisme (3 months ago)
Indonesia bangsa yang besar.. seharusnya Kemakmuran memang milik Indonesia kita.. namun sayang kenyataan tidak berkata demikian...

Dimana letak kesalahannya & sanggupkah kita semua untuk memperbaiki???

lowchiawei (7 months ago)
Serves Indonesian rights!!! This is the wrath of Allah on those who cause the anti-Chinese riot in May 1998, killing thousands of innocent Chinese especially those who got rape. Allahuakbar!! Allahuakbar!! God is great, pour your wrath on another round of tsunami!!!

diakonda (7 months ago)
What the HELL you are talking about? People were dying and so say this is GOD? GOD is PEACE, it's all global warming you idiot! And There was no Anti Chinese Riot! Citraland was not touch on that day and it belongs to one of the whealthiest Indonesian Chinese, CIPUTRA!

lilazngregy (5 months ago)
you dnt even know wat ur talkin about man dnt say dat cause remember wat goes around comes around..........so dnt wish 4 bad things man!!!!!!!!!

inkredbalhot (7 months ago)
when the polar ice is melted, the tsunamis will be more horrible. Sometime soon, justice will prevail.

tantra23 (7 months ago)
Tsunami ciayooo =p

incite2006 (7 months ago)
HAH! maralah Tuhan terhadap kebinatangan perusuh tahun 1998!!!

HAH! Lord show ur wrath to the act of animalism in the riot in 1998!!

salopex (6 months ago)
bla bla bla bla, tsunami terjadi karena alam, mustinya bisa diprediksi, tapi yang kerja di bidang itu, acuh² nah....kejadian deh...!!

Rectiony3 (6 months ago)
시발 이 나라 무슨 나라 말이냐고 죳년들아

arthemisme (3 months ago)
:) no idea what are you saying but enjoy the clip

adeza0288 (6 months ago)
itu benar sekali ayolah indonesia bankitlah

arthemisme (3 months ago)
Mari Bangkit bersama dari Sabang sampai Merauke dan semua Indonesian all around the world

seraj01 (5 months ago)
Nangis dengar lagu ini. Suara mu merdu sekali. Siapa artis yang nyanyi lagu ini?

arthemisme (3 months ago)
Sherina Munaf

elysium888 (5 months ago)
what goes around REALLY DO come around!

p0t4t0ch1p5 (6 days ago)
really does

wanawotvideo (4 months ago)
Tuhan itu nggak marah dengan cara bikin gempa bumi seperti di jokja dan Tsunami di Aceh. Kalau Tuhan marah, dia bikin banjir di Jakarta

Nusantaraku (4 months ago)
Kemurkaan Mu karena kedaifan kami Ya Rahman! Ya Rahim! Jangan kita ingat kecelakaan yang menimpa ditempat orang tidak akan bisa terjadi satu waktu nanti akan terjadi ditempat kita juga! Yang penting masing-masing persiapkan dirinya & jangan mengira kita tetap akan bangun pada esok hari! Thanks for the video! -NH

anrra (4 months ago)
:(( pingin nangisssss
duh merindingg
thanks arthem ! bintang 5

arthemisme (3 months ago)
terima kasih :)

itilbaud (4 months ago)
itu cuman teguran kecil dari tuhan supaya kita tuh hidup yg bener

dianmnoer (4 months ago)
I have no offense, When Tsunami happened, days later not much help from government, and there us bring floating hospital helping the people of Aceh. Where is our official government....? It a shame.

T364L (4 months ago)
Bersyukurlah bagi yang masih mampu menangis, sedih dan malu atas solidaritas pejabat dan rakyat RI karena semuanya hanyalah sebagian kecil dari rahmatullah sebagai ujian peningkatan keimanan.
Bertobatlah bagi yang sudah tak mampu menangis, menyumbang ataupun peduli lagi karena semuanya sudah tertutup hawa nafsu dengan pembenaran demi peningkatan kesejahteraan pribadi ataupun golongan.

Marhaban ya ramadhan, mohon maaf

Samar88 (3 months ago)
Kesiannye Orang2 Indonesia, asyik2 gempa bumi.
Tak buat solat hajat ke?? Ataupun solat tolak bala.. Apela nasib mu Indonesia..

derrtydawg (2 months ago)
bangsat... don't bring religion into this aight. as if you pray five times daily.

p0t4t0ch1p5 (6 days ago)
Shut up, stupid Malaysian.

wanawotvideo (3 months ago)
Gempa Bumi adalah bencana yang tak bisa di prediksi. Sedangkan Tsunami adalah bencana yang bisa di prediksi dan di tekan jumlah korbannya.

180826 (3 months ago)

PanahWaaier (3 months ago)
Pemerintah Indonesia seng bikin cukup buat bangsa Acheh habis tsunami!!
Don't forget Human rights for Acheh, Papua and Maluku!!!
Ingat HAM-internasional dari bangsa Acheh, Papua dan Maluku dolo!

Marilah bangsa Acheh, Papua dan Maluku, katong maju sama2 sampai merdeka juae!
Kalau NKRI demokratis betul, katong boleh pakai katong pun bendera2!

Free Acheh!
Free Papua!
Free Maluku!

p0t4t0ch1p5 (6 days ago)
Ngomong aja pake bahasa dewa.. Tutup mulut Anda, Anda tidak tahu kenyataannya.. Urus diri dan negeri Anda sendiri.. Stupid ass

PanahWaaier (5 days ago)
Hahaieee! Se su jadi panas nyong? Jangan gitu toh! Lihat saja, nanti Papua dan Maluku merdeka! Mena!

Free Papua! Free Maluku! Free West Melanesia!

andreiyouri (3 months ago)
Indonesia will never give Maluku, Aceh and Papua independence, Indonesians should united together in order not being a second Yugoslavia! Majulah Indonesia!!!

arthemisme (3 months ago)
Setuju.. Indonesia is from Sabang to Merauke.. we have Pancasila dan burung garuda yang bhineka tunggal ika.

PanahWaaier (5 days ago)
Lihat saja, nanti Papua dan Maluku su merdeka!

PanahWaaier (5 days ago)
We will see who's right in the end! Papua and Maluku have never been part of so called Indonesia! We will be free!

Merdeka Merdeka Merdeka!!!

rugierovitalis (3 months ago)
Indonesia should know that the colonialism they had suffered, is the same suffering for Aceh, Maluku and Papua! Merdeka to whom wants merdeka! Freedom for all peoples!
fwwahid (1 month ago)
mas/mbak. kalo tidak bisa bahasa Inggris tidak usah sok2an pakai bahasa Inggris...

PanahWaaier (5 days ago)
Thank you!

Free West Melanesia! Free Papua! Free Maluku! Mena!

And let us not forget Acheh and Riau also!


180826 (2 months ago)
aneh2 aja meminta memisahkan diri dari KESATUAN RI?
ORANG BODOH..lihat dong sejarah indonesia,emang misahkan diri gampang apa?
Timor lepas dari indonesia..skg negara itu jadi kucingnya negara asing..apa makmur? malah tambah susah.dasar orang bodoh.enak aja mau memisahkan diri,
Liat ACEH pasca suname.mana tanggung jawab GAm,membantu rakyatnya?diam seribu bahasa..tetap RI yang turun tangan kan?mau memisah kan diri?
Cari&tembak mati profokator2 perusak kedaulatan bangsa ini jauh lebih baik.

looving2 (2 months ago)
Waduh...gw setujuh 1000%.

derrtydawg (2 months ago)
respect bro

joshua87octavianus (2 months ago)
seharusnya Indonesia tetap bersatu...tapi kalo di negara ini didirikan syariah Islam...saya yang akan pertama kali teriak untuk memisahkan diri...!!!

Indonesia adalah negara besar dengan rakyat dari berbagai suku agama dan ras
jadi sudah seharusnya Indonesia menghargai perbedaan...

ba6ak (1 month ago)
Hmmm... Di Sumbar dah nerapin syariah Islam tuh,,,Aceh juga ama Tangerang... lo udah teriak belom? teriak gih ampe kuping mak lo budek...

gakjelasboy (2 months ago)
aduh, jgn pisah2 d
katanya Bhineka Tunggal Ika
setuju tuh kalo bilang Timor Timur skg jadi susah

dewoiy (1 month ago)
contoh aja negara singapore. mreka dari latar belakang yang berbeda beda, india, malay & chinese. agama mereka juga berbeda". enggak smestinya indonesia di paksa untuk menjadi satu dengan cara menjadi satu agama juga toh.
but however, as one of the citizen di indonesia, we should make an agreement on something which says that walauupun kita dari latar belakang dan agama berbeda, namun kita tetap hidup di indonesia, satu Indonesia, satu satunya indonesia. right?

bethalia (1 month ago)
"Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country." J.F.Kennedy
xxNiteHawkxx (1 week ago)

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